Government Shutdown or Strike (Maybe Lockout?)

I guess it’s time for me to add my two cents on this partial government shut down. First, this is in no way partisan and is totally fair. I don’t care about the Trump wall, or as in reality the new fencing. I do think that there is a compromise to be made. The Democrats could agree to his 5.7 billion dollars in funding, but they could also ask for 5 more billion to go towards a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients, infrastructure, immigration reform, campaign reform, and the humanitarian needs at our boarder. No, I don’t think that real conservatives would go for that option, because it would become a deficit issue. Then we could go back to the table and offer 3 billion to the boarder, and 2 billion towards my previous request. 

In real life negotiations that’s how these things work. What we have here is a political game of chess, where government workers are being used as pawns and that disgust me! Of course Trump won’t open the government without his requested wall funding. That would give up all of his leverage. When neither side has any stake in the game, it’s easy to be a hard nosed negotiator when you won’t feel the pain! 

Trump is on record saying that he doesn’t like the word “Shutdown”, he prefers to call it a “Strike”. That in itself is wrong, if anything, this would more closing symbolize a “Lockout” because this is not of the choice of these government workers. It is also unlawful for any employees, that serve essential roles to the public, to strike! That being said, I would like for all government employees to ban together in solidarity. If they want to think of this as a strike, then why not stage a unofficial walkout at a given time. Let’s completely shutdown the government, until these politicians agree to put their pride and politics aside for the good of the people! 

Right now, they are at a standstill, and both sides are at fault. I realize that Trump said he would be proud to shut the government down over boarder security, but both sides want boarder security. The Democrats, not long ago, asked for funding for more fencing along the southern boarder and the Republicans rejected it. Both sides are being hypocritical about this, all for politics! A lot of people take these government jobs for job security, and right now they don’t look very secure. How long are these employees expected to work for no pay? They can’t even go out another job because they are expected to be on theirs for no pay, and if they do find another job and don’t report for their government (no pay) job they will be terminated! It’s time for us to raise up and be heard! 

Do I want a complete and total government shutdown? That answer is “No”, but I don’t think that it will come to that. I think the mere thought of a total government shutdown would light a fire under our politicians, and force compromise! Most of all, it will assure to them that they work for us and we are not pawns in their political chess game to be sacrificed!

Travis Hagewood


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